miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

New Year's Eve - Jasmine Province

 New Year's Eve is a holiday most Americans celebrate. This day is also known as Old Year’s Day. The event lasts for one day. The history of New Year’s Eve is that in Mesopotamia in 2000 B.C. Where they had an 11-day-long festival called Akitu which celebrated New Year's Eve. Americans usually either gather with their families or go out and party to celebrate New Year's. They also create new years resolutions that are their plans to help them be better people in the upcoming years. Some traditions people follow are the count down to midnight, kissing right at 12 am on New Year’s Day, and things such as eating cabbage for good luck. Other traditions are that they make lots of noise to scare away bad spirits and make sure they have food in their cabinets because they can not start the new year without food. Overall New Year's Eve is a fun holiday that people celebrate to start off a new year. 

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