Lugo is the capital of Galicia's community. Its location is in the northwest of the country (Spain), that’s why the weather is usually cold. This city is also known as the oldest city of Galicia.
One of the principal monuments is the Muralla Romana de Lugo, built in 13 a.C by Paulo Fabio Máximo, the same who foundated this city. He wanted to connect the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula to the Roman Empire, so he made a defending wall. This monument was considered as a Humanity Heritage in 2010.
On the one hand, talking about the festivities, Lugo has one of the most popular parties, known as Fiestas de San Froilán, during October, concretely since 4th until 12th, when a the whole city make street markets, magic performances, a lot of parades, for example, the big heads’s parades.
About my experience there, I really love to go because people are really kind, there’s always a good environment and there's spectacular gastronomy. Concretely, they keep the tradition of eating all weekends octopus.
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