martes, 14 de marzo de 2023


 Salamanca is a city located in the west of Spain which was founded near a river called “Tormes”. It is a historical place in Spain because the city has a lot of years, and it has passed a few wars and reconquests. So, there have passed very different cultures and people. There are two cathedrals in the city and a very famous University in Spain. There is a popular belief which says that if you find a frog in front of the building you will pass all your exams. Furthermore, there is a famous square called “Plaza Mayor”, it is very common that each important city has one of them.

“Un Destino Entre Mis Manos: Qué Ver En Salamanca: Catedral De Salamanca, Fotos Salamanca, Catedral.” Pinterest, 4 Sept. 2019,

If you go to Salamanca I recommend you go for a walk near the river, visit the cathedrals, go into the historical part of the city and try to search for the frog from the University. Also, the food is delicious, there is a typical dish called “Hornazo” that is filled with chorizo, typical cold meat in Spain, eggs, and jamón, which is also typical here. And if you go there in summer, remember to have sunscreen.

Sevilla, Ana. “Hornazo De Salamanca Thermomix.” La Juani De Ana Sevilla, 18 Apr. 2022,

In conclusion, Salamanca is a very good city to learn about lots of cultures, and history from Spain, because it has lots of monuments and the historical center of the city is beautiful. Maybe, it also could be a good opportunity to pass your exams.

“Conocer Salamanca.” Salamanca Turistica

Iván Carvajal Sánchez

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